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August 06, 2009


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She is the absolute BEST!!! :)

Oh my gosh, I almost spit my D.P. Kids are the best entertainment!

Oh as parents how we can relate! I laughed out loud reading your post! :)

LOL!! Thanks for some 3 year old humor. :)

Kate gets the award for making me literally laugh out loud today!

Oh my...she is so adorable....hilarious!

Kate always makes me laugh! :)

That's fabulous! I wonder what the decor at a place called Ducky Jesus would look like...tee hee.

How cute. Do you use these things in her photobooks?

You know I haven't included these things in her photobook, but that's a really good idea!

OMG - Ducky Jesus - that is truly the best - kids are just a wonderful wealth of great joyous sayings.

LOL!!! That is the cutest convo ever!

ooooh, that is so cute!!! :0) Thanks for sharing and making me smile :0) Ducky Jesus , that ssooo funny!! Love your blog btw

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