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August 10, 2009


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You will be so glad you went ahead and did the desk while you are on a roll...they are going to look so great!! It will definitely be worth all the work!!

Interested in seeing how the furniture turns out when you're all done. Thinking about redoing my dining set too, but I know how much work it will be and am a little intimidated by the possibility of doing more harm than good... Looks like you really know what you're doing. :)

Looking forward to seeing the finished product. You just amaze me! Rock on chicka!

Looks great! Where do you buy your fabric? I have a swivel computer chair the cat has torn up, and need to replace the fabric with something nice but heavy duty. (Assuming I can figure out how to get the chair apart. *doh*)

I have the same problem as you and I always jump on to new projects in my head while in the middle of the current one!! Good luck though! Can't wait to see it all done :0)

Yeah it took me a couple weeks to do just one little 4 person table... and I didn't all the other pieces. Hang in there it is going to be beautiful!!

LOVE the desk, where or where did you get that? And where is it going to go? I am excited to see the finished product, I know everything will look great.

Wow! It's looking good! Looks like a lot of work, too! : )

Jen - I get a lot of my fabric from fabric.com :)

Mariah - my mother in law actually gave me that desk! Isn't it great? I'm going to put in on the landing above my steps.

I think it looks kind of like fun - I love doing that stuff. That being said, I have 3 nightstands awaiting some sanding and I just can't seem to get it done. I can't wait to see it - it's going to look awesome.

Oh Jenny. I feel your pain. Let me watch the girls so you can get a good chunk of time in.

I'm so impressed with you. Can't wait to see the finished look.

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