These are just two of the amusing conversations I've had with Kate (age 3) over the last two days...
Conversation #1:
Kate: "Mom, did you know caterpillars turn into raccoons?"
Me: "No, honey. They don't. Caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies."
Kate: "No. No. No. Mom, caterpillars DO turn into raccoons."
Me: "Sorry, babe. They don't. They turn into butterflies."
Kate: "Nope. They turn into raccoons."
Me: "No."
Kate: "Yes."
Me: "Kate, sweetie. I'm not sure where you got that from, but caterpillars really do not turn into raccoons."
Kate: (Big sigh) "Okay, Mom. First caterpillars turn into raccoons, and then they turn into butterflies."
Me: (totally schooled by my 3 year old) Oh! You mean cocoons. You're right!
Conversation #2:
Me: Kate, are you excited about Cade's birthday party tonight?
Kate: Oh, yeah. I can't wait!
Me: You'll get to play games and eat pizza too.
Kate: Uh huh, Ducky Jesus is the best!
Me: (as I spit out my Diet Coke laughing) "Honey, it's Chucky Cheese."