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July 14, 2009


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Glad I didn't miss much as I was on vacation too...went to Mackinac Island and Traverse City up here in Michigan for a week...SO beautiful, it was like we were in the Caribbean! Awesome! Looks like you all had tons of fun! I can't believe they went parasailing...we were watching all the crazy people do it on Lake Michigan and I was like "NO WAY!" Good luck with the furniture..can't wait to see how it turns out. Oh, and I got my free paint the other day...my little project will start soon! Woot Woot! Missed ya!

Hey, def let me know what craft shows you are doing so maybe we can do some of the same ones. That would be so FUN!! Even better maybe our booths can be near each other. Take care.

looks like you all had a great vacation.

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