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July 27, 2009


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What a fab idea about writing a letter to her. I love it!!!

That is so incredibly cool! I gotta check that out cause after these last 86 pictures I just printed out to put in albums...I'm DONE...off to virtual scrapbooking here I come! Kate, and of course Sarah Paige, will SO love that when they are older...so much better than just a baby book and they will have an entire library devoted to themselves...how awesome is THAT?!

I LOVE the books! That is exactly what I hope to do for my little guy's baby book. I'm afraid children #3 and #4 didn't get much in their baby books, so I decided not to bother with one for baby #5, and just do a photo book for him (and hopefully one for the girls too, to make up for their lack of baby book stuff!)

What a neat tradition! She will love having those as an adult! You should check out Heritage Makers too! That's where I make all my books. www.allmyheritage.com.

I've only used Shutterfly to make books so I thought I'd check out the programs you used... I feel like a complete idiot! I tried Blurb and I was working on the cover - I couldn't even figure out how to move the text so it wasn't directly covering her face on the picture I chose!!! I'll try MyPublisher. If I can't figure that out I guess I'll have to go back to Shutterfly. :(

Julie, So sorry you were having problems with Blurb :( I wish I could help. Let me know if you have better luck with MyPublisher.

what a great idea! I will have to look for it in my country and see if the prices can match up...

So I am just now getting around to catching up on blogs and I saw this adorable idea. I love how you journal in the beginning of each one, what a wonderful way to capture everything. I keep a journal for each kid, but this may be a better (and less time consuming) way to do it.

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