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July 17, 2009


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OMG...those are SUPER DUPER cute! How I wish I had something that cute when I was carrying babies around. I think it would just make an excellent beach bag myself! You are SO talented...I'm jealous!

Love them!! Was this a "one of a kind" bag for just you, or are you going to sell these?

Super cute. You can't just post a cute bag and not do a tutorial or how to or sell them or something! Even I think I could use it even though my girls are getting older!

Ya'll are so sweet! :) I am definitely not selling this particular big, bad boy because it took 12 hours to make. I'd have to charge way too much. BUT, I will do a tutorial on that shabby chic frayed look if you want? I have a cute and easy baby quilt in mind if you want to know how to do it. Let me know and I'll post something!

Ooohh...I just love looking at them! Such fun bags to have and use! I loved having such a great sewing buddy to try it out with!

Ooh - diaper bags are TOUGH! I made one that came out just how I imagined and although I think it's darling, it's not working out on the practical front. :(

THose bags look great, so colourful and fun!

Those are great! Nice work girls!

Such a cute bag- I love the size!!

Super duper cute!

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