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June 27, 2009


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I can't remember what color I chose, but it was in the red family. I am forever searching for the right red to make my dark red velvet bedding pop!

I chose Pink Carnation for my free quart. I have a little white cubby in my daughter's room with pastel colored basket liners so I'm thinking I'll paint it and change it from white to pink to make it more girly! I'm so excited for a DIY project. Do you think I'll have to sand it first or can I just paint right over the white?

Hah, that is so funny about your comment about paint names. My husband and I joke about that ALL the time wondering how stressful it could be coming up with names for paint...we thought it would be a fun job! Soft Suede is a very pretty color..yay for actual freebies!

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