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June 14, 2009


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Jenny what a fab outfit for a special little girl. You are too much. I can not believe she is 3 already... Great Pic Shirley

Awww, so sweet! Happy Birthday cutie pie!

Such a great photo of such a sweet Princess. Happy Birthday Smiley Face! I love checking in on your girls...can't help but smile myself.

Ah... Happy Birthday! What an adorable skirt! I have the pattern, but still yet to make it. Maybe a good project to do this next weekend. :)

So Cute!! Kyndall told me she wants a "twirly skirt like my Kate's for my birfday...only pink"!!!

Hi, Jenny! I stumbled across your blog after I looked at my Flickr account for the first time in ages, and I wanted to say hi! When I was blogging, it was a huge pet peeve of mine when someone I knew IRL was reading and didn't let me know :) Happy birthday to Kate and much love to you and your family!

Happy Birthday! She is so adorable, and I LOVE the skirt!!

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