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June 16, 2009


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Jenny, I love keeping up with you and your "creative side" and your family. The McKinney Marthas group sounds like a lot of fun and I am glad you convinced Jaime to join you. (Maybe I will reap some of the benefits of her work!) Keep up blog, tutorials,etc., I love it.
Diane B. (Jaime's mom)

PS..Your girls are beautiful and Sarah Paige is really growing!

Hey....when was this?!?! I wish I could have been there at this McKinney Martha's~ Please will you add my name to your evite list & invite me on the next craft night :-)))) HUGS!!!

What an awesome idea!

Super fun! And even more fun that I spy a high school friend.

Diane - Thanks so much for the sweet comment :) I think you will be reaping the benefits of Jaime's craftiness soon. She may be off to buy more chalkboard paint for gifts.

Jamie - I just started a list of all interested in craft night and put you on it! I accidentally left you off last time - sorry!! You're definitely counted in for next time.

Jessica - thanks. Quick, easy, and cute are always a hit.

Lindsay - totally :)

Wow, there are a crapton of people in this group. You are so popular! :)

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