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May 04, 2009


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Color me jealous!

I had no clue there was a Moda outlet in Dallas.

Love it all!

We moved too soon. So sad...never knew that was there! If I was still in Dallas, I would be moving in with you, I think. For now I'll just live vicariously through you, if that's okay. :o)

Vicki is great! So glad you got to come shop in the warehouse! Next time you will have to ask to meet Lissa... she is awesome!

Hey there,

Sorry I missed you. It is a pretty cool place to be isn't it. Next time you are here please ask for me. I work in another building. I don't know if they like to keep me secluded because i am psycho or what.
(thanks Angela, you are pretty awesome yourself)

Thanks for the comments, guys!

Lissa, I will definitely ask for you next time. I didn't want to be stalkerish but now that you say it's okay... I'll stalk away! :)

Hope you make and sell that bag that you made for yourself. LOVE IT.

So do tell....where is the Moda outlet - this sounds like a wonderful place!

The Moda outlet is off 35 and Valwood in Farmers Branch.

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