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May 19, 2009


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Melinda and I were talking about you today and how you are superwoman. Do you ever sleep? How do you do it all??? I would LOVE to participate in the challenge but my brain is so not working lately on coming up with any clever little summer accessory. If I do, I'll letcha know!

i'm seriously thinking about submitting something. but i have a couple of questions about you reproducing the item... how many will you make? where will you be selling the items? who and how will you determine the selling price? and are you getting the full profit when the item sells?

Melinda, girl I don't even come close to doing it all. Somedays I'm very productive and then there will be days and days where it seems I can't keep up with anything. I don't sleep all that much. I love caffeine :)

Holly, thanks for your questions. I intend to reproduce the item no more than 20 times. They will be sold on Etsy. I would determine the selling price by calculating fabric and notions cost, as well as labor. I will get full profit when the item sells, less 10% of profit which will go to charity. Let me know if you have other questions! Basically, the winner receives $100 for the rights of her pattern.

I hope baby Emmaline is okay. How wonderful of you to make her a beautiful quilt. Her Mummy im sure will love it and it will be a wonderful keepsake to show her in the years to come.

I'm planning something to submit. I'll also do a post on my blog. Also www.oneprettything.com has a place to submit "crafty contests", see right side bar. She gets a ton of traffic there.

Jessica - thanks so much! I'll check out oneprettything.com and thank you for doing a post :) Can't wait to see your submission.

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