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May 07, 2009


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LOVE the video and I want to buy the bag! PERFECT for the beach. :)

You are making me laugh so hard. :) You are such a cute little videographer!!

I do totally need that tool... you told me about it. I'm off to get one asap!

I LOVE the bag...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it...I'm such a BAG freak...can't help myself and can never have too many as far as I'm concerned. You are so funny in the videos...I don't sew but I love seeing what you keep coming up with. I wish I had your talent and time!

Way cute bag...and great video...my fav parts of your videos are the outtakes though:) ha...your funny videos put me in a laughing mood. Oh and good tip on where to get the tool and how to get it cheap!

You are hilarious!

The bag is AWESOME!! you just made it up?? amazing!

I do have just the wire thing and I do love it.

I LOVE that turning tool..... I also love my bias trim maker and applique scissors.....

Great idea! Love the tips since I am sort of new to this whole sewing thing! I have the, "oh, I can do that" mindset and it's been kind of dangerous!:) I did make a napmat though, thanks to your wonderful tutorial! http://mandykirwan.blogspot.com/2009/04/i-might-be-little-ocd.html

Not really sewing related, but here is a neat website I found that you might like...maybe you can get them to sell some of your stuff if you're interested!

Have a good weekend!!

YOU are so stinking cute! Love the video on the very awesome tool that I just have to buy now. :) OH... and that bag is ADORABLE! Great Job! Love the Arcadia fabric... I still need to use mine. Maybe a bag? Is this your design or did you use a pattern? Where can I get it???

You guys are so sweet - thanks!

The tote is McCall's 5722 view A. I made a couple variations but nothing major.

Mandy - your nap mat looks terrific. So glad your little guy loves it!

Those turners are great little tools - the one I have that's like a miracle is the binder foot, which actually works - as you sew along, it turns, folds and binds the fabric in one pass. It's a miracle!

Claire, OH MY GOSH! How have I never heard about this gem of a tool? I wonder if Janome makes something similar. Hmm... I would looooove that!

Thank you so much for the tip! A newbie like me needs to know all the cool tricks.

Love the bag!

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