here's now most every morning goes...
- Baby cries at 2am.
- Walk upstairs to feed baby.
- Go back to bed.
- Baby cries at 6am.
- Walk upstairs to feed baby.
- Put baby in swing so she will fall back asleep.
- Feel guilty about putting baby in swing but not guilty enough to play.
- Fall asleep in bed for an hour.
- Hear toddler say "Mommy, I'm awake" over monitor.
- Pretend I don't hear toddler.
- Hear toddler scream "Mommy, I SAY I'm awake."
- Really think about getting out of bed.
- Avoid getting out of bed because I know husband will get up with her and he does.
- Feel happy.
- Fall asleep for 20 minutes.
- Hear Mickey Mouse on the tv and baby starting to stir.
- Realize I am going to have to actually get out of bed and entertain rascals today.
- Get out of bed.
- Vow I'll go to bed earlier tonight.
- Think about showering.
- Ehhh, I'll do it later.
- Brush teeth and join the living.
- Think about drinking water and making egg beaters.
- Grab a Diet Coke and Special K bar instead.
- Start talking to toddler who is rambling a thousand miles a minute.
- Nod head as if I am listening but all I'm thinking is "Caffeine. Kick in, now!"
- Start to feel awake.
- Think about going to gym.
- Ehhh, I'll do it later.
- Watch Yo Gabba Gabba.
- Have "Keep trying, keep trying, don't give up, don't give up" in my head all day.
- Have a tea party.
- Tweet.
- Feed baby.
- Pretend cook in toddler's kitchen.
- Check feeds.
- Start laundry.
- Think it's got to be close to nap time, right?
- It's only 9am.
- Crap.
- Color.
- Sing.
- Play outside.
- Check email.
- Think of something crafty I want to do during nap time.
- Watch another Mickey Mouse.
- Now have "Meeska Mouska Mickey Mouse" in my head along with aforementioned Yo Gabba Gabba song.
- Think it's really got to be close to lunch time now.
- 10:45am.
- Shoot. Good enough.
- Make lunch.
- Feed baby.
- Flip laundry.
- Know clean laundry will not make it's way to my closet today.
- Check time.
- 11:30.
- Have a dance off.
- Nap time for toddler.
- Toddler cries "Mommy, I don't want to take a nappy."
- Mommy says "It's okay, we'll play after nap time. Sleep tight."
- Mommy thinks "Kid, I couldn't care less if you don't want to."
- Think about that crafty project I intended to do.
- Decide to take a nap instead.
Anyone else's mornings go like this?
Mine does, but G doesn't nap until 2:30, so it's really stretched out! Glad to know I'm not the only one!
Posted by: Melissa Espinosa | May 25, 2009 at 01:01 AM
bummer that you are regularly waking up at 2 a.m.!!
Posted by: katie | May 25, 2009 at 07:59 AM
haha love it--- sounds very familiar! brad sounds like a good catch. im not sure mike would get up if there was a fire
Posted by: Allison | May 25, 2009 at 08:24 AM
yes I am there with you. Kristen wakes between 2 and 4 am if it's before that I am up again between 5 and 6am, I HAVE to get out of bed by 730 or the big kids are late to school. Usually promising to go to bed earlier tonight ;) by 9am I am always ready for a nap. Kristen on the otherhand usually stays up until 1030am, and has been banished to crying herslef to sleep in her crib b/c she won't settle down with me for nap. only about a 45 minute nap most days. Then she is up until about 3pm so she gets another short nap if I have to go get the kig kids from school. they are able to walk home though b/c it's close!
gotta love motherhood.
Posted by: amber meialhn | May 25, 2009 at 10:54 AM
Every day, Every day. Ugggg
Posted by: Becca | May 25, 2009 at 09:43 PM
Yup.....been there already today!
Posted by: Rory | May 26, 2009 at 10:16 AM
I hate that I feel like I am always looking forward to nap lame. Lately, I truly desire an attitude change (well, most days).
I am really trying to be intentional with my time with each of my kiddos because I know that it is time to be treasured and is going to be gone before I know it. Not getting sound sleep at night really destroys my mood though. :(
Posted by: Katrina | May 26, 2009 at 07:06 PM
Would you stop looking into my broken
blinds???? Hehehe....the only difference
is my toddlers go to nappy at 1 after lunch.
The baby is over a year but still is up
at all hours of the night because of teething.
I have found that if I get up and run in a
circle really fast like the kidlets do
then twirl a bit then ....yeah I get dizzy
but my heart gets pumpin' and I dont need
a nap as badly... it also makes that caffine
hit my brain faster...think blood rush.
.............You know you are totally going
to close your blinds and do it in the
morning....hehe! It works...that is why
those ankle biters do it they dont
have to nap!!!! I hear them talking! hehe!
I have a 18 month old mine...a 2 year old*my
brother and his wife passed away in the
pass 15 months.* a 3 year old...mine and
a 4 year old..brothers...and a 8 year old..
mine and a just turned 13 year old who acts
like he is not mine in public...hehehe!
Sooo busy. SSSSSSSSSSSSoooooooooo sleepy.
haha... yet when night hits I am not tired
at all. Maybe I missed my chance in the
afternoon? Ah~well.
Take care, love to you and your kidlets.
Posted by: Rane | May 26, 2009 at 11:31 PM
HAHA!! Wow... this is the story of my life. Don't worry I think having your kids in school sort helps the day be more structured. So I'm sure your days will be different this fall.
Oh and I can't stand Yo Gabba Gabba... those songs... AHHH!
Posted by: Lisa | May 27, 2009 at 12:42 PM