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April 08, 2009


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I'm so with you on the crafting for sanity thing. It's harder when there's 2 though...hard to time the naps right and hard to stay awake when they are sleeping.

Hi! It's Kelly...Matt Dean's wife. I totally understand. I really enjoy blogging/writing for the same reason. I love the idea of crafting and I do a little of it but I'm not nearly as talented as you are. Thanks for all the interesting content!

Ideas for your back door.....

Do you need to be able to see through it?? If not (and your fabric has a groovy, bold design) trace your fabric design onto frosted adhesive and apply that to the glass of the back door. It gives a very clean look while tying in your design element. If you're not crazy about the "temporary-ness" of adhesive, get an etching kit and etch your design onto the glass.


If you want "curtains" you could just make a back door rod panel (rods at the top and bottom with pockets fabric "stretched" between) This is a more traditional look.


If you want to use more of your fabric and want the option of transparency, you might think about covering the slats of your wood blinds with either your fabric or a coordinating fabric...or just spray paint them to match your curtains. I know how you love the spray paint! :)

You inspire me to create what I love and live with it!

Thanks for your comments, guys!

Kelly, I'm hoping to meet ya one of these days :)

Candace, great ideas about the door! I already have blinds on it or else I would definitely consider the etching. LOVE the look of etching. Hmm, lots to consider now...

Jenny, if you are longing for PDAS, you are out of your mind... ;)

I still don't know how you have time to do all of these projects. Do you leave materials out, or do you get it all out, do it, and get them all put away before nap is done? Mine would be in the middle of my scrapbooking supplies in a second, cutting and wrinkling my precious papers. I barely have time to run the dishwasher (full of bottles) and pick up the mass of toys in the living room each day. ;)


Um... maybe you're right about PDAS! The grass is always greener, right?

I leave my projects out but I have a designated craft room so I just close the door. Thankfully Kate isn't overly interested with what I'm up to.

I mostly do it during nap time or in the evenings.

You are at work all day, everyday. Of course you don't have time for anything!!! I don't know how YOU do it, girl!

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