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March 19, 2009


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I will be praying for your friend...I am so sorry...but the quilt is so beautiful and very cheery! She is going to be so touched to get it from you!

you are such a sweet and thoughtful friend. The quilt is beautiful. I will keep your friend in my prayers. It sure does make you realize how life can change so fast.

Hey Jenny...this is so bizarre...you and I know each other from Lifetime and we live here in Craig Ranch. You and Kate came swimming here a couple summers ago and my son is Luke. Well, a friend led me to your "nap mat" tutorial and that led me to this page and I thought your name sounded so familiar. So I scrolled down and saw pics of you and Kate! How weird is that. Does it ring a bell who I am? Well, crazy how we somewhat run in the same circles! We should get together sometime soon! I'd love to see your new daughter and I have a little girl, Samantha, who is 8 months old now. She's the reason I started learning to sew...I wanted to make all the cute little dresses. I don't have your number anymore, so here's my email address [email protected] Hope to hear from you soon! Kristin

Oh Jenny, the quilt is beautiful - I do hope it will provide your friend some courage during rough times. This really affected me - you know, you could have been describing me. A few months after Frida was born, I found a lump in my one breast, and I went through several examinations during a couple of months before they told me it was benign. A tough couple of months. Now I'm attending regular check-ups just to be sure, but I so feel for your friend! What a lovely present - I do hope everything turns out ok for her!

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