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February 11, 2009


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First, LOVE the new blog design! Perfectly you.

Secondly, what a sweet precious little baby. Glad the outing went well. It gets easier and sometimes harder. ie... I went to Target the other day with both girls just to pick up a couple things and Emma nearly climbed (yes climbed) out of the cart!! She was even all strapped in, sitting on her cart cover... oh and this is all while Grace was begging me to buy her something (something also new!). OH and I was checking out :) the reason why I didn't notice right away that Emma was trying to escape. So fun!!

Aww! What cute daughters! They're absolutely adorable!

The new blog design is awesome - I'm amazed that you have time for that right now! And Sara Paige is beautiful! Could it be that you and Brad in combination make beautiful babies? :)

Hi my crafty (in a good way) friend! I just found your blog! Kate is beautiful, as always, but those pictures of Sara Paige are just priceless! She sounds a lot like my Piper at that age. Can't wait for the two of them to be able to play together! See you soon! (wow that was way too many exclamation points...)

yay! I'm glad you had a good day. I hope Ava is able to fix Claire as well.

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