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February 25, 2009


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I hated Mamma Mia. My friends all tell me that I'm a heathen, I just didn't get it. Ah well :)

Wow - this looks like it might be what I should do for my first quilt. I didn't know how to do it, how to cut, where to start, what to do with the abundance of seam allowance on the back etc. The tutorial you're linking to is great - I think I may have to try this! :)

Sounds like a wonderful time. Can't wait to see the finished product

haha - I love your sense of humor. :) I haven't seen the movie, and it doesn't sound like I need to! I have no idea what you are talking about "cutting coins" - I'm thinking coins are money, so maybe you're cutting fabric into circles??

Hi there! Can I pester you about your coin quilt? I want to make a larger version too, but i was wondering how many charms you used? What was the finishing size? I'm a new quilted and am still not very good with figuring size/yardage! Thanks!

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