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December 11, 2008


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Awesome! LOVE the fabrics... was some you got online. If I ever have a 3rd (NOT) then I'll need this. I've just recently retired my Bjorn. Still use my Hot Sling, but Emma's too heavy in the Bjorn!


My name is Lisa, and I'm a member of the public relations team that raises awareness for FullTerm, The Fetal Fibronectin test. I read your blog with interest and thought you might like to learn more about the test. Check out www.fullterm.net, and feel free to include the site as a link to your blog so that readers can access the information.

Additionally, if you're interested in helping spread awareness about the benefits of the FullTerm Test, please contact me by emailing [email protected]. My team generates stories about the benefits of the test among women at high risk for delivering early in national, local and online outlets. In the last few months we've secured stories in Working Mother magazine, the FitPregnancy Blog and the Boston Parent's Paper. Most recently we secured the following article on the Lively Women Blog: http://www.livelywomen.com/2008/12/05/interview-prevention-of-preterm-births/#more-1458

We're always interested in speaking with women who had the test and are willing to share their experience to make sure other, at-risk pregnant women know there is a test available to help predict premature birth.

I hope to hear from you.


LOVE this! I got my bjorn on craigslist and it is more than a bit faded. This is a fantastic remedy! I'll be linking!

Great! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

This is so cool!!! I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:

Anne - thank you soo much!! :)

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