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November 16, 2008


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Jenny, Let us know if you need anything! I'd be happy to bring dinner over or watch Kate...we're just right around the corner. Get some rest!! Hugs, Em

Please let me know if you need help with meals - I don't mind getting something going! Kate is more than welcome to come play with the boys if you ever have a day without a sitter. If you need some company, let me know and I'll find a sitter for my boys and head your way!!! :) Love you and will be praying.

You know we will do as much as we can to help...Wish we were closer...I think Kate needs a New Mexico vacation for a few weeks! Would love to just bring her out here for a while, but I somehow think you might miss her! Not sure of our plans yet, so let's chat about schedules when your mom gets an idea of hers...

Love you guys!

Roz (Mimi)

OH Jenny! I'm sad to hear this, but prayerful that the little baby girl growing inside you wont make her appearance anytime too soon! If you need ANYTHING please call me. I know you will have your parents and in-laws but if they need a break or whatever please call me. I would be MORE than happy to come and get Kate to come over and play at our house. If you want any entertainment yourself I could come there too! :)

We heard from Chris & Becca - hope everything is ok. Please let us know if you need company or food! Stephen and I are happy to help.

Oh my, I really haven't been paying attention! I'm glad the development at the moment is good, and I sure hope it'll stay that way! Frida was born one month early, which came out of the blue, we had absolutely no reason to think, that she was on her way. She has a cleft palate, which will be closed when she is a year and a half,but besides that she's just as she should be, and then some. There - a positive premature story. :) Best wishes and thoughts!

Thanks so much for the update! Sending good thoughts!!!

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